On 2012/09/08 5:34 PM, Jody Klymak wrote:
>> This is one of the big differences between python and matlab: in
>> matlab, if an m-file has changed within a session, the change is
>> immediately effective. The python "import" statement is very
>> different.
> Gotchya, thanks.
> So, while I'm being a bother:
> in Matlab, I often organize data in structures as:
> adcp.time [1xN] adcp.z  [Mx1] adcp.u  [MxN]
> where time is the x-axis, z the z-axis and u an array of values at
> each depth and time (an example chosen after Eric's heart).
> What is the recommended way to represent this in python?  I see the
> info about numpy structured arrays.  Is that it?  It also seems that
> Mx1 arrays are hard in python.  It also seems you need to preallocate
> the whole array, which isn't very flexible compared to how you can do
> it in Matlab.  Am I missing something?


A structured array is probably overkill; it would require storing 
everything as MxN, which may not be necessary.

Most of the time, if you have something that is 1-D, you can just keep 
it in a 1-D array.  If you need adcp.time to behave as if it were MxN, 
you can just use it as-is, because numpy broadcasting will add 
dimensions to the left as needed.  If you need adcp.z to behave as if it 
were MxN, you can simply index it like this: adcp.z[:, np.newaxis].

Now, for the structure syntax, you can use a class, e.g.

class Data:

adcp = Data()
adcp.time = time
adcp.z = z
adcp.u = u

Now your adcp instance is just like the matlab structure.

This works, but you might want to use a more flexible container.  One 
variation on the Bunch is here:
It is fancier than you need for now, but illustrates the sort of thing 
you can do with python, and it will work fine even when you don't need 
all its features.  You could initialize it like this:

adcp = Bunch(time=time, z=z, u=u)

assuming, as before, that you already have individual numpy arrays 
called time, z, and u.  You can still tack on additional attributes, like

adcp.something_else = whatever

The Bunch allows access using the structure notation, and also using 
dictionary syntax, so adcp.u is the same as adcp['u'].  The dictionary 
syntax is particularly useful when automating operations, because you 
can easily iterate over a list of dictionary entries.

Regarding the need to pre-allocate: yes, matlab is slicker in this 
regard, and every now and then there is discussion about implementing 
equivalent behavior in numpy, or in an add-on module.

In many cases you can simply accumulate values in a list, and then at 
the end use an array constructor to make an ndarray from the list.

You can also use the numpy concatenate function, or its derivatives, but 
this usually makes sense only for gluing together small numbers of arrays.


> Thanks,   Jody

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