On 2012/10/02 9:21 AM, Michael Aye wrote:
>>>>>> How nice of you to ask! ;)
>>>>>> Indeed: I had the case that image arrays inside an ImageGrid where
>> shown with some white overhead area around, e.g. for an image of 100
>> pixels on the x-axis, the imshow resulted in an x-axis that went from
>> -10 to 110. I was looking for a simple way to suppress that behavior
>> and let imshow instead use the exact image extent. I believe that the
>> plot command has such a flag, hasn't it? (I.e. to use the exact xdata
>> range and not try to beautify the plot?
>>>>>> Michael
>>>>> Is the 'extent' keyword what you're looking for?
>>>> No, because it needs detail. I was looking for a boolean switch that
>> basically says: Respect the data, not beauty.
>>> I don't understand what you mean by 'beauty'. If your image is 100
>>> pixels wide and 50 pixels tall, what is it about extent=[0,100,0,50]
>>> that doesn't do what you want?
>> As I wrote, that's not what is happening. I get extent=[-10,110,0,50].
>> Which version of matplotlib are you using?  Also, are you on a 32-bit
>> machine or a 64-bit machine.  This might be related to a bug we have
>> seen recently.
> I am using mpl 1.1.0 from EPD 7.3-2 on a 64-bit Mac OSX.
> Thanks for the effort Damon. I should have been starting with an
> example script from the beginning.
> I believe the problem appears only for subplots in the case of sharex
> =sharey = True:

Aha!  This is a real bug. It may take a bit of work to track it down. 
Would you enter it, with this test script, as a github issue, please?

Thank you.


> from matplotlib.pyplot import show, subplots
> from numpy import arange, array
> arr = arange(10000).reshape(100,100)
> l = [arr,arr,arr,arr]
> narr = array(l)
> fig, axes = subplots(2,2,sharex=True,sharey=True)
> for ax,im in zip(axes.flatten(),narr):
>      ax.imshow(im)
> show()
> One can see that all the 4 axes show the array with an extent of
> [-10,110, 0, 100] here.
> Michael
>> Ben Root
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