Thanks Benjamin, Sterling and Damon  for your prompt  help

However I am still not able to achieve what I wanted .

I can get the headless script to work just great where it saves all the
figures and I can view them after the script is done running.

But somehow when I try the figure number method that Sterling suggested ,
along with the axis clear and redraw method (Damon) , or the decouple and
clear and then plot method (Benjamin Root) : I get the plot just spinning
with a blue circle on Windows 7 and the script just chugs merrily along.

I think part of the problem was that I was wrong in the way I stated my
application. Each of the 384 data processing steps takes a few seconds..and
not a minute as I had indicated.  I tried with both ion() and ioff() and
giving the figure a number , which stays constant and clearing the  axis
everytime before plotting. But I get a spiining blue circle in Windows.

I will try and cookup a test case , and send to the list , to reproduce
what I am seeing. it may still be that I am calling pylab , pyplot
incorrectly and hence not getting the continuously changing figure that
your suggestions should give me.


Using plt.ion() or plt.ioff() causes a spinning blue-ball on windows..while
the rest of the script continues.
If I use the figure number trick. I get the first figure displayed.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Benjamin Root <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 11:25 AM, hari jayaram <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am a relative newbie to matplotlib.
>> I have a python script that handles a dataset that comprises 384 sets of
>> data.
>> At the present moment , I read in a set of data - process it - and the
>> create a figure using code shown below.
>> I am using windows with the default backend ( I think I set it to wx).
>> When I run the program, figure after figure shows up..the program
>> continues from well to well plotting the figure. I can close the figure
>> window using the X on the right -hand side..while the program chugs along.
>> Is there a way to just recycle the figure object , so that the plot shows
>> up for a brief second and refreshes when the next calculation is complete.
>> Each process_data function , takes a few minutes.
>> Alternatively I just want to close the figure object I show after a brief
>> lag.  I am OK if that happens instantaneously..but I dont know how
>> to achieve this.
>> Do I have to use the matplotlib.Figure object to achieve this
>> functionality
>> Thanks
>> Hari
> Hari,
> To recycle the figure, try the following:
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> def do_my_plot(par1, par2, well_id):
>     processed_data_object = processed_dict[well_id]
>     # Plot all the data
>     par1.plot(processed_data_object.raw_x,processed_data_object.raw_y).
>     par2.plot(....
>     # finally
>     # I tried  fig.clf()
> def plot_and_process_data():
>     plt.ion()  # Turn on interactive mode
>     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)
>     ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
>     par1 =ax.twinx()
>     par2 = ax.twinx()
>     for well_id in list_of_384_well_ids:
>          par1.cla()
>          par2.cla()
>          process_data(well_id)
>          do_my_plot(par1, par2, well_id)
> Note, this is completely untested, but it would be how I would go about it
> at first.  The "plt.ion()" turns on interactive mode to allow your code to
> continue running even after the plot window appears (but does not end until
> the last window is closed.).  Of course, another approach would simply be
> to do "fig.savefig()" after every update to the figure and never use show()
> and ion() (essentially, a non-interactive head-less script).
> Hopefully, this helps.
> Ben Root
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