Hi I am using
wxpython :
matplotlib : 1.3
osx Lion

In my application I have a number of matplotlib figure objects, one  on
each page of the wx.aui.AuiNotebook .The pages are each a figure and
arranged as tabs on the top of the wxpython frame like embedding in wx5
example from the matplotlib gallery.

On Windows I can navigate from page to page  of the Notebook using CTRL-TAB

However on OSX -Lion  , neither the CTRL-TAB, nor Alt/Tab navigate from
page to page.

Instead what happens is that the "mouse selection" moves from icon to icon
i.e from the "Home" to the "Pan-zoom " icon on the bottom of the matplotlib
figure. The wxAuiNotebook is oblvious of these mouse events.

Does anyone know how to restore the windows os behavior where CTRL-TAB
changes the page of the Notebook on OSX. How do I prevent the matplotlib
figure object from intercepting these events.

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