
I have a package that has many functions that bring up plots to show data and 
interactive plots to interact with data.  How can I have my figures show and 
both be on top and be in focus? The best way I have found to manage Matplotlib 
plots in my package is to use interactive mode plt.ion() and pause the program 
with raw_input() statements to show or interact with the plots. This has been 
working fine with one exception. I have not been able to figure out how have 
the plot figure come up and have the figure both be on top and in focus. I am 
using Window XP,Python 2.5.4, Matplotlib version 1.0.0 with backend Tkagg. Tk 
has a command focus_force(), I have not been able to find a similar command in 

This is a simple example demonstrating the plotting behavior. The second plot 
is rendered but is not in windows focus. 


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.add_axes([.15,.1,.8,.65])
ax.set_title('Fisrt Plot')
raw_input('Enter to close and Continue: ')
fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig2.add_axes([.15,.1,.8,.65])
ax.set_title('Second Plot')
raw_input('Enter to close and Continue: ')



Thank you,


Bob Kestner
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