Dear members of the Numerical Python ecosystem
(with apologies for cross-postings),

A day-long session ("devroom") on Free/Libre and Open Source Software
(FLOSS) for scientists will be held during the next FOSDEM conference,
Brussels, 2-3 February 2013 (

We aim at having a dozen or two short talks introducing projects,
advertising brand new features of established tools, discussing issues
relevant to the development of software for scientific computing, and
touching on the interdependence of FLOSS and open science.

You can find more info on the call for talks at:

The deadline for sending talk proposals is December 16th 2012.

Please send your submissions or comments to:

Please do forward this message to anyone potentially interested.
Please also let us know if you have any suggestions for what would you
like to hear about in the devroom.

Looking forward to meeting you in Brussels.
Thanks in advance.

The conveners,
Sylwester Arabas, Juan Antonio AƱel, Christos Siopis

P.S. There are open calls for main-track talks, lightning talks, and
stands at FOSDEM as well, see:


I would like to add to the above general announcement, that it would be 
great if a main track talk were to be given at FOSDEM about the 
importance of scientific open source software in science and engineering 
today. Main track talks last 50 minutes, and are addressed to all FOSDEM 
participants, something that would add to the visibility of scientific 
software. As an extra bonus, main track speakers have their travel and 
hotel expenses covered by FOSDEM.

I think that the numerical python "ecosystem" could serve as an 
excellent "case study" of the data processing and visualisation 
workflow, while adding an interesting historical dimension, being one of 
the oldest projects of its sort.

If you decide to respond to the call for main track speakers, you should 
start here:

Please note the December 1 deadline. I urge you to let us (the science 
software devroom conveners) know about your proposed talk, so that we 
may send a word of recommendation to the FOSDEM committee who will make 
the ultimate selection.

We thank you in advance for your expressions of interest and 

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