On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Jeffrey Melloy <jmel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm currently using matplotlib to generate .PNG files, and the
> javascript library flot to do point hover & zooming on the same data
> (after click through).  Flot is starting to show its age, and I'd like
> a little more control.
> I'd like to get to only one library generating graphs, so I only have
> to change code in one place.   d3.js looks interesting & dynamic, but
> I don't want to just replace one javascript library with another. I
> may be able to use d3.js to generate the thumbnails.
> My other option is to use matplotlib for the clicking & zooming -- If
> i use it to generate an svg and then do clicking, zooming, etc on the
> svg, am I in for a world of hurt? I see an html5 backend, but that
> hasn't been updated in a year.  I also see the svg_histogram example,
> but that didn't work cleanly for me.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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