Is the Arial font file different on Windows 8 vs. Windows 7? (Just a difference in file size would be enough to know). If so, it's probably the nature of those differences that we need to look into.


On 01/16/2013 10:04 AM, CAB wrote:
Dear Mike & Paul,
Thanks for your replies. I tried Mike's protocol, and I found that font_manager found the Arial font ("C:\\Windows\\fonts\\Arial.ttf") in the right place. I don't have fontforge yet, so I guess I need to install and check it out. But the thing that bothers me about this error is that it only occurs if I try to mix mathtext and non-matplotlib font. So matplotlib finds Arial just fine. And it finds the mathtext font fine. Only the mixture is fatal. It's as if the parser loses track of the Arial font, or it looks for a mathtext glyph in Arial. Very strange that it occurs only in Windows 8. Regarding Paul's response, I don't have LaTeX on the W8 computer, and my impression is that mathtext doesn't look for "mathematical Arial", instead there are some packaged fonts that it uses for this purpose, like Computer Modern and STIX.
I'll try to hunt this down further, and let you know if I find anything.

*From:* Michael Droettboom <>
*Sent:* Thursday, January 10, 2013 7:35 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Matplotlib-users] mathtext and fonts under Windows 8

Since this is specific to Windows 8, I wonder if the Arial font has been updated in that version. If it's a newer OTF font, rather than a TTF font, it's possible matplotlib can't read it correctly.

You can see what font file is on each platform by starting up a Python prompt and doing:

  >>> from matplotlib import font_manager
  >>> font_manager.findfont("Arial")

It should display the path to the font. From that, you should be able to get the Arial file on each of your platforms and see if they are different. To get more details, you could open them up in the open source "fontforge" tool. Sorry I can't do this myself, as I don't have access to anything past XP.

If the fonts turn out to be different, as a workaround, you could try backing up and then replacing the Arial font on your Windows 8 machine with the one on your Windows 7 machine.


On 01/09/2013 11:59 PM, Paul Hobson wrote:
Sounds like it might have something to do with your Latex installation (if any) or the barebones Latex-rendering done by MPL alone. Namely, they simply don't have the characters for mathematical Arial available.

Not too sure though. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable responds.

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 9:31 PM, CAB < <>> wrote:

    Hi, All,

    I am encountering a thorny problem when trying to run matplotlib
    under Windows 8. If I label an axis using a command like

    ax.set_ylabel(r'time (s)', name='Arial'),

    all is well.  But if  try to add mathtext to that, as in

    ax.set_ylabel(r'time ($s$)', name='Arial'), <> throws an error (a very long
    stream) ending in "RuntimeError: Face has no glyph names". If I
    remove the "name='Arial'" above and let the program default to
    Bitstream Vera Sans, the mathtext works.

    This problem does not occur under Windows 7 or XP; only under two
    different Windows 8 installations.  Any ideas what's going on?


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