Hi Sudheer,

Le 21/02/2013 02:22, Sudheer Joseph a écrit :
> Thank you  very much Smith and Paul,
>                                           I was away from office due
> to a medical situation. So could not respond and thank you regarding
> the help. I have got the results now and the tips from both of you
> were extremely useful. I am facing an issue with the code when I call
> plt.xcorr,  in a loop. it builds up usage of memory by python and
> reaches to the RAM what ever available ( in my 4 GB laptop it reaches
> almost full and in my 24 GB desktop it reaches the available. I
> suspected the plot not being closed during each iteration so have
> given a plt.close('all') in the loop. after which it is taking a good
> time to run the code which was otherwise faster until ram usage
> reaches its maximum.
> Is there a way to get out of this situation?. I am attaching the code
> here and also the link to the data I am using. If possible kindly help.

Thanks for sharing the code. By a quick look at gen_xcorr_wnd.py, you
are generating a quite high number (about len(lons)*len(lats)) of xcorr
series over 365 lags. Here are two thoughts about why I would not
recommend using xcorr from matplotlib for this job :

1) There is an overhead in creating a plot object which is unnecessary
since you're only interested in correlation values

2) internally, plt.xcorr uses numpy.correlate
which is quite fast but unfortunately cannot be well tuned in terms of
the output length (only three modes : 'valid', 'same' or 'full'.
Matplotlib uses 'full' )
All this to say that when you're interested in 365 correlation values,
the internal computations takes place on (N+M-1) points (where N, M are
the length of the input vectors, i.e. 2189 if I'm right) and so about 90
% of the output is thrown away.

This being said, there is a tiny issue : I don't know a good module
which has the (x)correlation function. statsmodel has acf (aka
correlation) but I don't remember if there is crosscorrelation. For acf
has two computation modes : one based on fft, one based on
numpy.correlate which suffer from the same problem as matplotlib's xcorr


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