On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 8:40 AM, CAB <cabr...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi, All,
> I am using matplotlib 1.2.0 under Windows 7 64-bit.
> I am trying to get matplotlib to recognize a new font that I downloaded
> (Arimo, for the curious).  I put the .ttf files in the matplotlib ttf font
> directory (...\\fonts\\ttf\\ArimoRegularLatin.ttf, etc.), where Bitstream
> Vera Sans, STIX, etc. live.  But matplotlib does not recognize the new
> font, and defaults to Vera Sans.  If I load the font_manager and do a
> findfont, it does not find the new font and defualts to Vera Sans.
> I also tried putting the ttf files in the system font location, with the
> same results.  When I do this, other programs like Word can see and use the
> font.
> Is there some trick that I'm missing, here?
> Thanks,
> Chad
Most likely, you need to clear out matplotlib's font cache.  How to do that
for windows, I don't know, but for Linux, it is as simple as "rm
~/.matplotlib/fontList.cache".  Maybe there is a similar file somewhere on
your system.  After getting rid of that file, at the next import of
matplotlib, it will recognize that that file is gone and rebuild it.

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