Dear all,

I searched the internet but still get confused by how can I save a figure
with high dpi value to jpeg format.

I am using matplotlib 1.2.0 with ubuntu system.
In [14]: mat.__version__
Out[14]: '1.2.0'

I tried both setting the flag "savefig.dpi" flag in matplotlibrc as 300,
and use fig.savefig('temp.jpg',dpi=300) when saving the figure.
But when I checked the figure dpi with GIMP, it says 72.
Under Windows system, it also says the dpi is 72.
In the example above, the "figure.dpi" value is 80.
In [21]: mat.rcParams['figure.dpi']
Out[21]: 80

I tried to set the "figure.dpi" as 300, But then when I check the figure
with interactive window
(I use GTKAgg backend), the figure is too big (getting out of the screen)
to veiw. [But I think this
is fine as the figure size will be depend on dpi, No?]

My workflow is like I always make plot in the interactive mode,
then I adjust the figure size (by draging) or the vertical space and other
Then I click the save button on the interative window or use
"fig = gcf(); fig.savefig" command to save when I feel comfortable with the

I never published yet and now is working on my first one. So I don't know
if this procedure is good or not.
but anyway, how can I save jpg figures with dpi >300 with the normal size I
see on the screen?

thanks for the help,


Chao YUE
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE-IPSL)
Batiment 712 - Pe 119
91191 GIF Sur YVETTE Cedex
Tel: (33) 01 69 08 29 02; Fax:
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