
Thank you!  I will especially use it to get the z value in images.  I
started to try to do something like this once but never finished.

One thing I'm having a bit of trouble with is providing an artist as an
argument.  The reason I wanted to do that is to look only at the values
for the image and not those for the contours drawn on the image.  How
does that work exactly?

As a side note, I thought that I had found a bug because an I was
looking at image would, in some places, print only the x and y values
but not the z value.  Then I realized it was printing the values for a
contour that I had made invisible by setting its edgecolor to 'None'.
This was because the contour created had two parts and I only wanted to
show one of them.  Anyone know a different way to do that?


On Tue, 2013-03-12 at 22:58 -0500, Joe Kington wrote:
> I recently got around to polishing up a snippet I've been using for
> quite awhile.  and I
> was hoping to get some feeding on the current implementation.
> "mpldatacursor" allows a user to easily click on an artist and display
> a customizable, interactive pop-up box displaying information about
> the selected artist (e.g. x & y, label, z for images and collections,
> etc).  It's a stand-alone module (and in pypi), but you could also
> just download the examples directory from github and copy the
> file into it to try things out.
> A few key questions:
>      1. Is this something that anyone else finds useful?  
>      2. Does it seem intuitive?
>      3. Does the implementation seem flexible enough for most needs?
>         (Note that any additional kwargs are passed on to annotate to
>         create the "data cursor", so the appearance of the box is
>         customizable through annotation kwargs.)
>      4. Are there any obvious features missing?
>      5. Any suggestions? (especially better name suggestions...)
> If it is something that other people find useful, I'd be happy to
> submit a pull request to incorporate it into matplotlib.  (If I did,
> it would probably be best to drop the HighlightDataCursor class, as
> its limited in what it can do.)
> Thanks a bunch!
> -Joe

Jonathan D. Slavin              Harvard-Smithsonian CfA         60 Garden Street, MS 83
phone: (617) 496-7981           Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
 cell: (781) 363-0035           USA

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