Please pardon me, but what object is math.usetex attribute of? I can't find
it in the documentation. Mentions only text.usetex.

2013/3/30 Phil Elson <>

> Doesn't look like you're using math.usetex & therefore are not actually
> using latex, but mpl's stripped down tex implementation.
> Try setting usetex to True, or alternatively I think you could use \mathrm
> instead of \text to get non mathematical text.
> On 30 March 2013 11:43, Pawel Chojnacki <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been having some troubles with LaTeX in matplotlib. My example
>> script:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python2
>> #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>> __author__ = 'Pawel Chojnacki'
>> __copyright__ ='Copyleft 2013 Pawel Chojnacki'
>> __version__ = '1.0'
>> __date__ = '29-03-2013'
>> __license__ = 'GPLv3'
>> import numpy as np
>> import matplotlib as mpl # Zmiana ustawien LaTeXa
>> mpl.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'].append(r'\usepackage{amsmath}')
>> #~ mpl.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = r'\usepackage{amsmath}'
>> #~ mpl.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']=[r"\usepackage{amsmath}"]
>> #~ mpl.rcParams['math.usetex'] = True
>> print mpl.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']
>> import pylab as py
>> py.axhspan(8400,8730,alpha=0.15)
>> py.title(u'Wyniki eksperymentu pomiaru gęstości ciała
>> stałego\n',size='large',family='serif')
>> py.ylabel((u'Gęstość ciała stałego ' +
>> r'$\frac{kg}{m^3}$'),size='large',family='serif')
>> #~ py.ylabel((r'$\text{lol}$'),size='large',family='serif')
>> py.ylabel((r'$\text{lol}$'),size='large',family='serif')
>> py.xlabel(u'Metoda pomiaru',size='large',family='serif')
>> py.grid(True)
>> Gives me the following output:
>> ['', '\\usepackage{amsmath}']
>> Exception in Tkinter callback
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 1437, in __call__
>>     return self.func(*args)
>>   File
>> "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/", line
>> 236, in resize
>>   File
>> "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/", line
>> 239, in draw
>>     FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/",
>> line 421, in draw
>>     self.figure.draw(self.renderer)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 55, in
>> draw_wrapper
>>     draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 898, in
>> draw
>>     func(*args)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 55, in
>> draw_wrapper
>>     draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 1997, in
>> draw
>>     a.draw(renderer)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 55, in
>> draw_wrapper
>>     draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 1054, in
>> draw
>>     self.label.draw(renderer)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 55, in
>> draw_wrapper
>>     draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 526, in
>> draw
>>     bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 309, in
>> _get_layout
>>     ismath=ismath)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/",
>> line 193, in get_text_width_height_descent
>>     self.mathtext_parser.parse(s, self.dpi, prop)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 2999,
>> in parse
>>     box = self._parser.parse(s, font_output, fontsize, dpi)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 2357,
>> in parse
>>     self._expression.parseString(s)
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 1048,
>> in parseString
>>     loc, tokens = self._parse( instring, 0 )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 981,
>> in _parseCache
>>     value = self._parseNoCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 924,
>> in _parseNoCache
>>     loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 2559,
>> in parseImpl
>>     return self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False
>> )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 981,
>> in _parseCache
>>     value = self._parseNoCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 924,
>> in _parseNoCache
>>     loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 2307,
>> in parseImpl
>>     loc, exprtokens = e._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 981,
>> in _parseCache
>>     value = self._parseNoCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 924,
>> in _parseNoCache
>>     loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 2672,
>> in parseImpl
>>     loc, tokens = self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions,
>> callPreParse=False )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 981,
>> in _parseCache
>>     value = self._parseNoCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 924,
>> in _parseNoCache
>>     loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 2307,
>> in parseImpl
>>     loc, exprtokens = e._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 981,
>> in _parseCache
>>     value = self._parseNoCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 924,
>> in _parseNoCache
>>     loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 2416,
>> in parseImpl
>>     ret = e._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 981,
>> in _parseCache
>>     value = self._parseNoCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 950,
>> in _parseNoCache
>>     tokens = fn( instring, tokensStart, retTokens )
>>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/", line 2050,
>> in raise_error
>>     raise ParseFatalException(msg + "\n" + s)
>> ParseFatalException: Expected end of math '$'
>> $\text{lol}$ (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)
>> And a blank window. The same line - $\text{lol}$ works pretty well in
>> pure LaTeX. While the package seems loaded, matplotlib doesn't send the
>> command as it's supposed to. Why is that?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Pawel
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