On 04/26/2013 02:57 AM, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone can provide some info on what "agg.buffer_rgba" returns and maybe
> even some suggestion on how to resolve this issue in the wxagg backend.

It returns a Python buffer object on Python 2, though on Python 3 it is 
a memoryview, since buffer was deprecated.  Perhaps wx is also doing 
something different depending on the version of Python.
> Thanks
> Werner
> P.S.
> The archive on Sourceforge for this list stops in June 2012, noticed
> this as I wanted to check if there are answers I didn't get for some reason.
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=matplotlib-users

Yeah -- I've reported that to sourceforge many times.  Not sure what the 
issue is.  Personally, I use gmane when I need to search the archive and 
it works rather well.


> On 20/04/2013 08:58, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to get matplotlib 1.2.0 to work with wxPython Phoenix - will
>> provide a patch when it is working.
>> Made the changes to backend_wx* for things like EmptyImage/EmptyBitmap
>> and Toolbar but I am stuck on the following.
>>        if bbox is None:
>>            # agg => rgba buffer -> bitmap
>>            if 'phoenix' in wx.PlatformInfo:
>>                return wx.Bitmap.FromBufferRGBA(int(agg.width),
>> int(agg.height),
>> memoryview(agg.buffer_rgba()))
>>            else:
>>                return wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA(int(agg.width), 
>> int(agg.height),
>>                                               agg.buffer_rgba())
>>        else:
>>            # agg => rgba buffer -> bitmap => clipped bitmap
>>            return _WX28_clipped_agg_as_bitmap(agg, bbox)
>> TypeError: cannot make memory view because object does not have the
>> buffer interface
>> File "h:\devProjectsT\aaTests\matplotlib\wxembedding-5.py", line 63, in
>> <module>
>>      demo()
>> File "h:\devProjectsT\aaTests\matplotlib\wxembedding-5.py", line 60, in demo
>>      app.MainLoop()
>> File "c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.9.6-msw-phoenix\wx\core.py",
>> line 1841, in MainLoop
>>      rv = wx.PyApp.MainLoop(self)
>> File "c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\backend_wx.py",
>> line 1209, in _onPaint
>>      self.draw(drawDC=drawDC)
>> File
>> "c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\backend_wxagg.py",
>> line 61, in draw
>>      self.bitmap = _convert_agg_to_wx_bitmap(self.get_renderer(), None)
>> File
>> "c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\backend_wxagg.py",
>> line 173, in _convert_agg_to_wx_bitmap
>>      memoryview(agg.buffer_rgba()))
>> I tried using "memoryview" based on a suggestion by Robin Dunn, and
>> based on the following info I see in the debugger that should work no?
>> agg.buffer_rgba()
>> <read-write buffer ptr 0x05400638, size 229200 at 0x055FC680>
>> type(agg.buffer_rgba())
>> <type 'buffer'>
>> agg
>> <matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.RendererAgg instance at 0x04BA0670>
>> If I don't use "memoryview" (which would probably be preferred) I get
>> the following exception.
>> Can someone help us figure this one out.
>> Thanks
>> Werner
>> TypeError: Bitmap.FromBufferRGBA(): argument 3 has unexpected type 'buffer'
>> File "h:\devProjectsT\aaTests\matplotlib\wxembedding-5.py", line 63, in
>> <module>
>>      demo()
>> File "h:\devProjectsT\aaTests\matplotlib\wxembedding-5.py", line 60, in demo
>>      app.MainLoop()
>> File "c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.9.6-msw-phoenix\wx\core.py",
>> line 1841, in MainLoop
>>      rv = wx.PyApp.MainLoop(self)
>> File "c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\backend_wx.py",
>> line 1209, in _onPaint
>>      self.draw(drawDC=drawDC)
>> File
>> "c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\backend_wxagg.py",
>> line 61, in draw
>>      self.bitmap = _convert_agg_to_wx_bitmap(self.get_renderer(), None)
>> File
>> "c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\backend_wxagg.py",
>> line 173, in _convert_agg_to_wx_bitmap
>>      agg.buffer_rgba())
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