Yes, but this is where I am failing. I don't have the code with me right now but I can explain it:

I get a new number every 2000 milliseconds, and I want to update the graph say, every 50 milliseconds, and keep a minute of history visible in the graph.

So that's 30 x-axis ticks.

But if I want to draw this out smoothly, I need 40 more ticks per update interval. I have five lines I want to show, so every 50ms, 600 points need to be plotted out.

Now, my proof of concept code is just working with arrays in a sort of FIFO queue, I haven't actually tried to plug those arrays into matplotlib, but it seems like replotting 600 points is a lot of work.

Maybe I am over reacting? Or is there some feature of matplotlib that allows me to push data onto a plot instead of replotting all points?

I dunno, I'm not confident in my approach. I seek inspiration.


This means that every 50ms, 600 points need to be updated.

On 13-07-04 05:11 PM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
I see -- you want to basically interpolate between points? I don't think there's anything built in to matplotlib to do that, but you could always do that interpolation outside and just update the graph more often.


On 07/04/2013 04:28 PM, v0idnull wrote:

Let me explain my problem in a different way:

Every two seconds I get a value from a service. Let's say I over 8 seconds I get 1, 5, 10, 5 as values.

So if my application updates the graph every two seconds, this will look choppy and ugly. This is because every two seconds, an entire line is added onto the graph between the two points.

Imagine if I could control the drawing of said line though. If I could draw the individual pixels of the line every couple of ticks instead of just dumping a line in every two seconds, I will end up with a nice smooth animation. It may not be 100% real time anymore, but my focus on this personal project of mine is vanity, not practicality ;)

I hope this better explains what I am trying to accomplish...


On 13-07-04 04:09 PM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
Have you looked at the example -- other than the networking piece, it seems to do what you describe, and it's pretty fast. Maybe start from that and make changes until it gets slow in order to determine where the slowness comes from...?


On 07/03/2013 09:19 PM, v0idnull wrote:
I am receiving a number from a server every two seconds. I would like to plot this number.out over time for the past say... 30 polls.

Would it be possible to use... Anything, to produce a smooth animation of the plot line getting drawn? As it stands now the animation is well... Quite choppy. ;)

I'm using pygame currently to render my graphs on this full screen application I'm making just for my self. I am not bound to it though if there are better linux-only things out there.

Thanks in advance,

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