Thanks - we'll look into that.  We might also see how hard it would be to 
implement an update or refresh method on the legend that could be called when 
the lines change to keep the legend in sync.  Seems like the legend should own 
that functionality since it set up the mapping between the lines and what it's 

From: Eric Firing []
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] Update legend when lines change color?

On 2013/08/01 4:23 PM, Drain, Theodore R (392P) wrote:
> I have an application where the user can edit line colors and other 
> attributes after the plot is drawn.  The artists update just fine but the 
> legend doesn't change.
>>From what I can see in the legend code, it doesn't seem like there is any 
>>mechanism in place for doing this.  Does anyone have any ideas on the best 
>>way to implement something like this?
> Here is a simplified script to show the issue:
> import pylab as p
> p.ion()
> l = p.plot( [1,2,3], 'b', label="foo" )
> p.legend()
> raw_input( "press return..." )
> l[0].set_color( "green" )
> p.draw()
> Thanks,
> Ted

If you keep a reference to the Legend object, then you can call its
get_lines() method to get a list of Line2D objects corresponding to the
objects returned by plot().  You can use the set_color() method on them.
Maybe this is enough if your application is simple enough.


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