Hi Phil,

Phil Elson wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thanks for this - we are really interested in speeding up the scatter and 
> barchart plotting with large data sets. In fact, we've done some work 
> (https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/2156) recently to make the 
> situation better.
> I'd really like to review these changes (against matplotlib master), and the 
> best possible solution to doing this is if you were to submit a pull request. 
> If the changes you have made are logically seperable, then I'd encourage you 
> to make a few PRs, but otherwise, a single PR with all of these changes would 
> be great.

I went through the changes there and they just cope with other pieces of 
My changes are general python improvements moving away from str.startswith()
and using generators instead of for loops. Just apply the patches yourself and 

> Would you mind turning these patches into PR(s)? 
> (https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/compare/)

Um, I don't know what to do on that page, sorry. I don't see how to upload my 
patch file or patched file
to be compared with master. :(

> Thanks!

I am sorry but I just don't have time to fiddle with github. It is just 
awkward. I even failed to download
diffs of the changes from 

I rather continue studying runsnake output. ;-)


> Phil
> On 9 August 2013 12:53, Martin Mokrejs <mmokr...@fold.natur.cuni.cz 
> <mailto:mmokr...@fold.natur.cuni.cz>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>       I am drawing some barcharts and scatter plot and the speed for 
> rendering is awful once you have
>     100 000 of dots. I ran python profiler which lead me to .startswith() 
> calls and some for loops
>     which append do a list repeatedly. This parts could be still sped up I 
> think but a first attempt
>     is here:
>     UNPATCHED 1.2.1
>     real    23m17.764s
>     user    13m25.880s
>     sys     3m37.180s
>     PATCHED:
>     real    6m59.831s
>     user    5m18.000s
>     sys     1m40.360s
>     The patches are simple and because I see elsewhere in the code list 
> expansions I do not see any
>     problems with backwards compatibility (new new python language features 
> are required).
>     Hope this helps,
>     Martin
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