> I assume that you are using a twinx call to get the second y axis.  I think 
> that this question has come up before, and I think the solution was to switch 
> which data are put on the second set of axes.  (Of course to keep the same 
> visual layout you would have to play with the y axis spine locations.)

Good point.  I just changed the command line options so the plot whose
Y values are of interest are plotted on the right Y axis.

> Separately, if your blue data are so quantized, you might use the blue data 
> to choose a color for an axvspan (or axhspan, I  forget which is which) to 
> indicate how certain regions of time have different values of blue data.  
> Then you would only need one set of axes, and your x,y labels would indicate 
> what you want.

This also works, though I (and anyone looking at the graph) would have
to remember the mapping between color and numeric value. If I was a
synethete this might work, but I doubt most people would automatically
recall the mapping. :-)



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