In article 
 Matthew Brett <> 

> Hi,
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 5:59 AM, Michael Droettboom 
> <> wrote:
> > Matthew Terry, as part of his Mac testing project, has done a great deal of
> > reconnaissance on this.
> >
> >
> >
> > I know he was looking into statically linking some of the C dependencies
> > (freetype, libpng etc.) as a way to make the installer more robust to
> > different environments.
> Thanks - that looks like a useful testing grid.
> Are there any near-term plans for something like a .dmg or .mpkg or
> .pkg installer?

Building a binary installer with statically linked libraries is not 
terribly hard (see 
l>). There are two problem:
- As of 1.3.0 mpl does not include python-dateutil, pytz or six (for 
good reasons) and that makes it harder to make a really usable binary 
installer. This interacts with the next problem:
- For unknown reasons running the 1.3.0 installer breaks existing 
installations of python-dateutil if those packages were installed using 
an older mpl binary installer.

The missing packages can be added to the binary installer after it is 
produced by bdist_mpkg by post-processing the mpkg. That would take care 
of the second issue for most users (who would use the default 
installation and get everything). I have not had time to deal with that. 
Thus I never uploaded an official binary installer for 1.3.0 and stopped 
providing them. Matthew Terry has taken over that task.

I did put an unofficial binary installer for 1.3.0 here:
just be prepared to reinstall python-dateutil after you use it.

-- Russell

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