Michael Droettboom wrote:
> Sorry to repeat myself, but please reduce this to a short, self contained 
> example, that is absolutely minimal to demonstrate the problem.  
> http://sscce.org/ should help better explain what I'm after.  I don't want to 
> find the needle in the haystack here -- there is code in your example that 
> doesn't even run, for example.
> That said, are you really after creating a legend entry for each of the dots? 
>  (See below).  That just isn't going to work, and I'm not surprised it eats 
> up excessive amounts of memory.  I think you want (and can) reduce this to a 
> single scatter call.
> _series = [_ax1.scatter(_x, _y, color=_c, s=objsize, label=_l, hatch='.') for 
> _x, _y, _c, _l in izip(mydata_x, mydata_y, colors, legends)] # returns 
> PathCollection object

Are you sure? I think it was concluded on this list that scatter cannot (or 
does not) take
nested lists of lists with series like histogram and piechart do. I cannot find 
the thread
but maybe you are more lucky. I even think that I already opened a 
bugreport/feature requested
in the past for this. But maybe not.

> Mike
> On 10/12/2013 12:57 PM, Martin MOKREJŠ wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   so here is some quick but working example. I added there are 2-3 functions 
>> (unused)
>> as a bonus, you can easily call them from the main function using same API
>> (except the piechart). I hope this shows what I lack in matplotlib - a 
>> general API
>> so that I could easily switch form scatter plot to piechart or barchart 
>> without altering
>> much the function arguments. Messing with return objects line2D, 
>> PathCollection, Rectangle
>> is awkward and I would like to stay away from matplotlib's internals. ;) 
>> Some can be sliced,
>> so not, you will see in the code.
>>   This eatmem.py will take easily all your memory. Drawing 300000 dots is 
>> not feasible
>> with 16GB of RAM. While the example is for sure inefficient in many places 
>> generating the data
>> in python does not eat RAM. That happens afterwards.
>> I would really like to hear whether matplotlib could be adjusted instead. ;) 
>> I already mentioned
>> in this thread that it is awkward to pre-create colors before passing all 
>> data to a drawing
>> function. I think we could all save a lot if matplotlib could dynamically 
>> fetch colors
>> on the fly from user-created generator, same for legends descriptions. I 
>> think my example
>> code shows the inefficient approach here. Would I have more time I would 
>> randomize a bit
>> more the sublist of each series so that the numbers in legends would be more 
>> variable
>> but that is a cosmetic issue.
>>   Probably due to my ignorance you will see that figures with legends have 
>> different font
>> sizes, axes are rescaled and the figure. Of course I wanted to have the 
>> drawing same via both
>> approaches but failed badly. The files/figures with legends should be just 
>> accompanied by the
>> legend "table" underneath but the drawing itself should be same. Maybe an 
>> issue with DPI settings
>> but not only.
>>   I placed some comments in the code, please don't take them in person. ;) 
>> Of course
>> I am glad for the existing work and am happy to contribute my crap. I am 
>> fine if you rewamp
>> this ugly code into matplotlib testsuite, provide similar function (the API 
>> mentioned above)
>> so that I could use your code directly. That would be great. I just tried to 
>> show multiple
>> issues at once, notably that is why I included those unused functions. You 
>> will for sure find
>> a way to use them.
>>  Regarding the "unnecessary" del() calls etc., I think I have to use keep 
>> some, Ben, because
>> the function is not always left soon enough. I could drop some, you are 
>> right, but for some
>> I don't think so. Matplotlib cannot recycle the memory until me (upstream) 
>> deletes the reference
>> so ... go and test this lousy code. Now you have a testcase. ;) Same with 
>> the gc.collect() calls.
>> Actually, the main loop with 10 iteration is there just to show why I always 
>> want to clear
>> a figure when entering a function and while leaving it as well. It happened 
>> too many times that
>> I drawed over an old figure, and this was posted also few times on this list 
>> by others. That is
>> a weird behavior in my opinion. We, users, are just forced to use too 
>> low-level functions.
>> So, have fun eating your memory! :))
>> Martin
> -- 
>                    _                            
> |\/|o _|_  _. _ | | \.__  __|__|_|_  _  _ ._ _  
> |  ||(_| |(_|(/_| |_/|(_)(/_|_ |_|_)(_)(_)| | | 
> http://www.droettboom.com

Martin Mokrejs, Ph.D.
Donovalska 1658
149 00 Prague
Czech Republic

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