I've tried various ways of getting matplotlib on my OS X 10.7.5, and have
it work with numpy, etc.  The approach that worked most smoothly was using
the conda package manager from contiuum
   At first I installed the complete anaconda
distribution<https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>which contains
almost everything I wanted, plus a lot of stuff I don't
need.  And everything worked, including matplotlib.  Since then I've
learned that conda works great installing things one at a time while taking
care of dependencies, so if all I want is matplotlib, I get that plus it
dependencies, and it works.  But if you want an easy, fast (but large)
solution, install Anaconda.   Conda has many other nice features that may
or may not be useful to you.

HTH, gary


On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 11:05 PM, Maggie Maes <margaret.e.m...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Sorry if this is a redundant request, but I haven't been able to find any
> reliable sources online. I'm trying to install matplotlib on my mac with
> osx 10.7.5. I get the following error:
>> unknowne4ce8f4d9c9c:matplotlib margaretmaes$ python setup.py
>> build============================================================================
>> Edit setup.cfg to change the build options
>>             matplotlib: yes [1.4.x]
>>                 python: yes [2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jun 16 2011, 16:59:05)
>>  [GCC
>>                         4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build
>>                         2335.15.00)]]
>>               platform: yes [darwin]
>>                  numpy: yes [version 1.5.1]
>>                    six: yes [six was not found.]
>>               dateutil: yes [using dateutil version 1.5]
>>                tornado: yes [tornado was not found. It is required for the
>>                         WebAgg backend. pip/easy_install may attempt to
>>                         install it after matplotlib.]
>>              pyparsing: yes [pyparsing was not found. It is required for
>>                         mathtext support. pip/easy_install may attempt to
>>                         install it after matplotlib.]
>>                  pycxx: yes [Couldn't import.  Using local copy.]
>>                 libagg: yes [pkg-config information for 'libagg' could not
>>                         be found. Using local copy.]
>>               freetype: no  [The C/C++ header for freetype2 (ft2build.h)
>>                         could not be found.  You may need to install the
>>                         development package.]
>>                    png: yes [pkg-config information for 'libpng' could not
>>                         be found. Using unknown version.]
>>                  qhull: yes [pkg-config information for 'qhull' could not
>> be
>>                         found. Using local copy.]
>>            sample_data: yes [installing]
>>               toolkits: yes [installing]
>>                  tests: yes [nose 0.11.1 or later is required to run the
>>                         matplotlib test suite.  pip/easy_install may
>> attempt
>>                         to install it after matplotlib. / mock is required
>>                         to run the matplotlib test suite.
>>  pip/easy_install
>>                         may attempt to install it after matplotlib.]
>>                 macosx: yes [installing, darwin]
>>                 qt4agg: no  [PyQt4 not found]
>>                gtk3agg: no  [Requires pygobject to be installed.]
>>              gtk3cairo: no  [Requires cairocffi or pycairo to be
>> installed.]
>>                 gtkagg: no  [Requires pygtk]
>>                  tkagg: no  [The C/C++ header for Tk (tk.h) could not be
>>                         found.  You may need to install the development
>>                         package.]
>>                  wxagg: no  [requires wxPython]
>>                    gtk: no  [Requires pygtk]
>>                    agg: yes [installing]
>>                  cairo: no  [cairocffi or pycairo not found]
>>              windowing: no  [Microsoft Windows only]
>>                 dvipng: no
>>            ghostscript: no
>>                  latex: no
>>                pdftops: no
>> ============================================================================
>>                         * The following required packages can not be
>> built:
>>                         * freetype
> I've tried symbolic linking freetype-related files in /usr/local (as seen
> here:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4092994/unable-to-install-matplotlib-on-mac-os-x).
> I've also confirmed that freetype-related files are in my PATH environment
> variable. Could anyone point me in the right direction for installing the
> package?
> Many thanks,
> Maggie
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