Well, the hack wasn't as messy as I thought.  Still feel like there's a
better way...

def show_colors_default():
    fig, axfoo = plt.subplots()
    clist = []
    c = axfoo._get_lines.color_cycle.next()

    # Iterate until duplicate is found
    while c not in clist:
        c = axfoo._get_lines.color_cycle.next()

    # Reset colorcycle
    for i in range(len(clist) -1):
    return clist

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Adam Hughes <hughesada...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am making a stacked histogram where one must enter the desired colors
> together in a list/array when the histogram is called.  For certain objects
> in my code, it's helpful to assign a color to them, so that they are
> immediately identified across various plots.  Therefore, I essentially want
> to take the color cycle, swap out a few entries for which colors have been
> assigned by the user, and otherwise keep the cycle in tact.  For example,
> if the first object is to be orange, but no other colors are assigned, I
> want something like:
> colors= ['orange', default_cycle[1::]]
> However, according to some threads, the only way to access the color cycle
> that I'm aware of is through a generator stored in:
> axes._get_lines.color_cycle()
> I don't like this approach because iterating through the color cycle will
> cause the next plot to start at a different point in the cycle.  I'm sure I
> can hack something up that gets around this, but there seems to be a
> canonical way to just list all of the default colors in a list once and be
> done with it.  Is this the case?
> Thanks.
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