After a while away from matplotlib I am back working on some old code. I
decided to switch to python 3 (bad idea?) and I am having problems with
backends. I used to use GTKAgg, it worked ok, but it doesn't seem to work
with python 3?
1- What are my choices running python 3 and matplotlib from source (I
started following the master branch to avoid some bugs in the past, and kept
using it since)? I did look in the docs and searched the lists, but I
couldn't find a clear answer.
2- Is it discouraged to use matplotlib with python 3?
3- I got the Qt4Agg backend sort of working. It displays my figures ok, but
throws exceptions related to some key events I have set up. See below for
backtrace. unichr() has disappeared in python 3, but somehow the backend is
still using it?

Sorry about the post becoming a bit messy. 



NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
object>, event=<PyQt4.QtGui.QKeyEvent object>)
    309     def keyReleaseEvent(self, event):
--> 310         key = self._get_key(event)
        key = undefined
        self._get_key = <bound method FigureCanvasQTAgg._get_key of
<matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg.FigureCanvasQTAgg object at 0x7fc124046af8>>
        event = <PyQt4.QtGui.QKeyEvent object at 0x7fc1260cfb88>
    311         if key is None:
    312             return

in _get_key(self=<matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg.FigureCanvasQTAgg
object>, event=<PyQt4.QtGui.QKeyEvent object>)
    363                 return None
--> 365             key = unichr(event_key)
        key = undefined
        global unichr = undefined
        global event_key = undefined
    366             # qt delivers capitalized letters.  fix capitalization
    367             # note that capslock is ignored

NameError: name 'unichr' is not defined

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