Exec. summary - I was having strange behavior with matshow in a loop and 
also with discrepancies between how iPython Notebook and Python via IDE 
displayed plots.

1) Using pause instead of show fixed matshow in a loop

2) Explicitly invoking %matplotblib qt or generally %matplotlib 
{backend} before  importing or using  matplotlib fixed various problems 
with plots in notebooks.  Now when I create a plot in a notebook, it 
appears, I can work with it, close it when appropriate, and 
simultaneously be able to do other work in notebook cells.

Thanks to everyone for the rapid responses.


On 7/30/14, 10:04 PM, JBB wrote:
> I've followed up on several suggestions and here is what I've done/found.
> (I know I don't use mlab or pylab but I pulled the import lines from
> another source and am leaving them in for the heck of it)

[ Woe/intrigue trimmed ]

>>      Is there a pointer to why this worked when my initial approach did not?
>>         I thought from the documentation/videos that preparing a plot with
>>      relevant commands then issuing the show() command was the preferred
>>      approach within Python/Matplotlib.
>>      JBB

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