Le 16/09/2014 17:31, Xiaobo Yang a écrit :
> My X axis represents dates. When I used get_xlim(), I got something 
> like 735461.0 and 735490.5. What are these values? How can I convert 
> to python date objects?

Please, read the documentation of datetime.

Your data are *ordinals*, numbers which pack the data: year, month, etc. 
into one number ; the same strategy is used in spreadsheets, e.g., Excel.

If r=r=735461, then

datetime.fromordinal(r) gives: datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 16, 0, 0), 
unless I am mistaken...

This is the first approximation ... the "proleptic Gregorian ordinals" 
are integers. You have floats, and this probably is converted into 
fractions of a day / hour, etc. Read also something about timestamps.


Jerzy Karczmarczuk

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