Dear Ben,

Thank you for the explanation. Too bad mplot3d cannot display textured polygons.
I did have a look at glumpy and it does part of what I am looking for. However, 
glumpy does not support being embedded in a wxpython application which is a 
requisite for me.

I guess I just have to learn VTK... 

Thanks again,


Benjamin Root <> wrote:

>I tried something like this awhile back to no avail. Because of the kludgy
>nature of mplot3d, we are lucky we even can display 2d artists like
>polygons (and, this is me speaking as the de facto maintainer of mplot3d!).
>Images are an entirely different beast, unfortunately.
>What *might* work is getting a pcolormesh object converted into 3d. Not
>pcolor (as that is an image-based object), but the QuadMesh object that
>gets returned by pcolormesh(). I haven't tried to convert that into a 3d
>equivalent, but it might be feasible.
>I would also check out glumpy: I could
>have sworn I have seen examples of glumpy treating images as "texture" data
>for surfaces.
>I hope this points you in a useful direction!
>Ben Root
>On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Fabrice C. <>
>> Dear list,
>> I would like to display a 2D image in a mplot3d axe in order to combine
>> it with a surface3D or a bar3d plot for instance. The effect I am
>> looking for is similar to what can be seen in the bottom XY plane of
>> except that I would like to have a custom image instead of the filled
>> contours.
>> I googled the subject and found only messages dating at best from 2010.
>> These messages mentioned that the imshow() method did not work on a
>> mplot3d. Indeed it does not.
>> The only alternatives offered by the googled answer to my problem were
>> to switch to VTK or Mayavi. For one thing, I never managed to install
>> VTK on my PC, and I already have other matplotlib figures in my wxpython
>> application so I would really like to stick to matplotlib.
>> Does anyone have pointers as to how I could display a 2D image in
>> mplot3d? Do I need to create a new artist in order to replace the
>> non-functionning imshow?
>> I see that patch collections work fine in mplot3D. Would it be feasible
>> to load an image and have it displayed as a patch collection (1 patch
>> for each pixel)?
>> Any advice would be highly appreciated,
>> Fabrice
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