Firstly, thanks, Fabrice Silva

I have checked my picture files again.

For python-gray.png, now it is attacched here or can be downloaded
xnview says it is 128*128*8, but  "print
imread('python-gray.png').shape" says (128, 128, 3), however I suppose
it should be (128, 128)!

For python-color.png, it is my fault. xnview says it is 128*128*32, so
it has alpha channel. Hence "imread().shape =(128, 128, 4)" is right

btw. imread return array which has value between 0 and 1 for PNG file.
But for other picture format, the value is 0~255. The manual says
matplotlib reads PNG only by it self, and other files via PIL.But I
think it is better to make the returned array consistent.
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