
Thanks for the pointer. I've already used a workaround where I used "data" 
coordinates and put it at:
0.9 * (xmax - xmin) + xmin, and similar for y.

I'm really only reporting this so that it can be fixed if there is someone who 
does need to annotate something in a grid.


> On May 26, 2015, at 11:54, Sterling Smith <> wrote:
> Sean,
> Do you need an `annotate`, or just a `text`?  `text` has the `transform` 
> keyword, to which you can pass `ax.transAxes`.
> ax.text(.9,.9, r"$\mathbf{" + lab + 
> ")}$”,transform=ax.transAxes,ha=‘right’,va=‘center’)
> -Sterling
> On May 26, 2015, at 10:06AM, Sean Lake <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm using matplotlib 1.4.3 installed using fink with python 2.7.
>> I'm trying to produce a grid of plots using gridspec that has annotations to 
>> label each plot. 
>> Here is the call to annotate the current axes:
>> ax.annotate( r"$\mathbf{" + lab + ")}$",
>>                xy=(0.5*(xmin+xmax), 0.5*(ymin+ymax)),
>>                xytext=(0.9, 0.9),
>>                textcoords="axes fraction", fontsize=14 )
>> Where ax is initialized by:
>> ax = plt.subplot(gs[ coords[0], coords[1] ])
>> and gs by:
>> gs = mpgs.GridSpec( 3, 2, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0 )
>> The trouble comes in when abs(ymax) < abs(ymin). When that is true, the 
>> labels are offset upward by one row, for some reason.
>> I've attached a script that demonstrates the problem, and an example of the 
>> output. I can work around this problem by using "data" coordinates, but even 
>> so this reveals a bug somewhere.
>> Thanks,
>> Sean Lake
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