We have been recently fixing a bunch of issues in the macosx backend (which
is default on Macs). Having the circle be dotted sounds exactly like the
sort of problem that would be caused by some of the bugs we are addressing.
I think we have some of the fixes committed to the master branch, so if you
could build and install from git, you can see if the problem is fixed yet
or not.

Ben Root

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 10:29 AM, John Coppens <j...@jcoppens.com> wrote:

> Hello again,
> I've posted these two issues in separate mails, as I suspect they're
> actually different problems.
> This error is particular to the default version of MacOSX's matplotlib
> version 1.4.3:
> When doing a simple plot:
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> def test_plot():
>     x = range(11)
>     y = [x0**2 for x0 in x]
>     plt.plot(x, y, 'o:', fillstyle='none', label = "1", ms = 10)
>     plt.legend()
>     plt.show()
> def main(args):
>     test_plot()
>     return 0
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     import sys
>     sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
> Much of the data is available on this thread on stackoverflow:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31408928/how-can-i-plot-hollowed-symbols-connected-with-dotted-lines-in-one-go/31410105?noredirect=1#comment50794519_31410105
> The gist is that a dotted line ('o:') works correctly
> on my system (Linux Slackware/matplotlib 1.3.1 and 1.4.3), on C.C.Yang's
> Linux Mint, but not on his MacOSX (on which the _circle symbols_ are also
> dotted).
> It does work if he defines TkAgg or GtkAgg (even though he does not have
> Gtk installed on his Mac)
> Any suggestions to solve this?
> Is there a problem in the MacOSXAgg backend?
> John
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