On 28/09/15 22:25, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
> Le 28/09/2015 21:03, Benjamin Root a écrit :
>> Where does he multiply a list by a float? The traceback shows the 
>> multiplication happening much further down in the draw stack.
> Look, Benjamin Root, I don't know, and I will not "investigate" where 
> this operation happens. The diagnosis is a standard Python message. 
> Thus, I took the program of Shakhti Kannan, and in a few seconds I changed
> x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]     into      x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
> and in update_line:   x.append(1.0)   into x=np.concatenate((x,[1.0]))
> And the program began to run without error messages. So, please, these 
> are FACTS: somewhere the lists x,y,z get down in this draw stack.

No one is doubting that.

>> That shouldn't matter. ax.plot() accepts lists as valid inputs and it 
>> should be converting them into numpy arrays under the hood.
> There are two different issues, accepting any sequences/iterators is 
> one, converting them into arrays - another one. This second operation 
> visibly doesn't take place.

And this is a bug in matplotlib that needs to be fixed. Your solution is
just a workaround to an existing problem in matplotlib.


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