See below.

From: Petr Kaplunovich <<>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 07:21:40 -0500
To: <<>>
Subject: DCOPF taking into consideration line power limits.(and N-1 criteria)

Dear All,

I was doing contingency screening research for a last half year using MATPOWER 
and only now decided to read the documentation to MATPOWER entirely.
I was thinking that DCOPF takes into consideration line power flow limits 
(basically the difference between node angles). However it appears to me that 
these constraints are not considered.

1. Am I right?

I don't think so. Perhaps you are not setting up correctly causing angle limits 
to be ignored? Please send a small reproducible example that we can take a look 

2. Is there any easy way to include these constraints to DCOPF solver? I have 
read the section 6.1 but still confused - is there any examples of 

3. Is there a way to make DCOPF solver to take into consideration N-1 security 
criteria? (i am currently interested only in line outages)

You'll need to extend MatPower's DCOPF by introducing additional constraints, 
variables for the contingency cases. See the manual section on 'Extending the 


Thank you!

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