Dear all,

I am trying to simulate dispatchable loads. I am doing the following:

mpc = loadcase('case300');

mpc = load2disp(mpc);

[mpc_solved, bare_success] = rundcopf(mpc,mpoption('OUT_ALL',0,'VERBOSE'

Then I have to experiments:

1. Setting mpc.bus(1,3) = 100000; before running DCOPF in order to exceed
the generation.

2. Setting mpc.branch(:,6) = 100; in order to set low branch limits.

Both experiments are aimed to force the load shedding.

While the results of the first simulation seem to satisfy all constraints,
the second one gives the martix singularity warnings and the solution does
not satisfy all the constraints:

For ex. one of the rows of the gen matrix:

#          Pg

13 -67.8104690140355 -10 0 -10 0.997700000000000 100 1 0 -58

Pg is obviously less than allowed Pmin.

Question I.    I wonder if there is a way to avoid matrix warnings and get
a solution satisfying all constraints. I don't see any reason why it should
not be possible to find a solution for lowered branch limits except for may
be bad initial/starting point.

Question II. I am also trying to imitate dispatchable loads myself by
creating generators with Pmin = -Pg and Pmax = 0, and gencost to be very
large negative number :

disp_case = loadcase('case300');

dc = disp_case;

for i=1:size(dc.bus,1)

   if (dc.bus(i,2) == 1)

      dc.bus(i,2) = 2;

      dc.gen(size(dc.gen,1)+1,1:10) =

      dc.gen(size(dc.gen,1),11:25) = 0;

      dc.gencost(size(dc.gencost,1)+1,1:8) =



disp_case = dc;

mpopt = mpoption('OUT_ALL',0,'VERBOSE',0);

[disp_case_solved, disp_success] = rundcopf(disp_case,mpopt);

The procedure doesn't give me any errors, just the disp_success is equal to
0, and no values are being calculated. What can be the reason for this?

Thank you so much!


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