On Feb 27, 2014, at 4:40 PM, Angie Joaqui Rendon wrote:


I'm working with tho OPF in MATPOWER, and i wanted to know which is the model 
of costs that the program uses. I need the information to be able to compare 
results with other simulators, because of it I must have very well definite 
each datum of the information to using.

1. Looking at the information of the system of 9 Nodes; I find the following 
information of costs for the system:

%% generator cost data
% 1 startup shutdown n x1 y1 ... xn yn
% 2 startup shutdown n c(n-1) ... c0
mpc.gencost = [
2 1500 0 3 0.11 5 150;
2 2000 0 3 0.085 1.2 600;
2 3000 0 3 0.1225 1 335;

What kind of cost model this information refers?

MATPOWER supports two types of cost functions: (a) Piecewise linear and (b) 
Polynomial. See the manual page on Generator cost data format to see how to 
specify the data for the two cost functions. For the above 9-bus case, the cost 
function is quadratic of the form c0 + c1*P + c2*P^2 where c0, c1, and c2 are 
the coefficients in the last, second last, and third last columns of gencost 

2. In the page says that by default the objective function of the system is the 
minimization of costs, this objective function can be changed for others, e.g. 
minimize losses MVAR?



I appreciate the information you can give me.

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