1.  If you want to incorporate the machine internal emf equation

          E’ - (R + jX’)I - V = 0
then you need to have an additional bus and line for each generator in your 
test case. The additional bus will have voltage |E’| with an angle angle(E’), 
and the line, with impedance R + jX’, connects the generator bus with this 
extra bus. Note that you’ll need to set the extra bus type to 3 (swing), set a 
generator for it in the mpc.gen struct, set the generator bus to 2 (PQ bus) and 
remove its generator from the mpc.gen struct.

   2. The assumption for a PV bus is that the generators on it can generate 
enough reactive power to maintain its bus voltage magnitude constant. So, in 
the power flow the voltage magnitude is held constant and the reactive power is 
computed after the power flow is solved. If you want to specify both the real 
and reactive power for the PV bus, then set its bus type to 3 (PQ bus). 
However, note that by doing so the bus voltage will no longer be constant.

From: ?π??????? ??????π????? <arsenop...@gmail.com<mailto:arsenop...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
Date: Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 7:47 AM
To: "MATPOWER-L@cornell.edu<mailto:MATPOWER-L@cornell.edu>" 
Subject: Internal impedance of a generator

Hi all,
1)Is there a way i can simulate the internal impedance of a generator???

2)A bus connected to a generator is a PV bus. However in order to simulate a 
generator you have to enter both real and reactive power(based on theory). But 
in the PV bus, the reactive power you enter plays no role. What about it??
Please help...

Thank you,

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