Dear lavanya,
you can set options like maximum number of iterations for
Newton’s method,
pf.fd.max_it=n maximum number of iterations for fast-decoupled method maximum number of iterations for Gauss-Seidel method
Here, n is number of iterations. for your case n=1. The following is
let us solving with NR method
mpopt = mpoption('pf.alg', 'NR', 'verbose', 3,'',01);
results = runpf('casedata', mpopt);

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 12:58 PM, lavanya arubolu <>

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> Dear all,
>            I want to run power flow for single iteration, but in MATPOWER
> software if i give command like runpf(casedata) for each iteration update
> the values of V,delta and P and finally gives me single result. If i want
> to run power flow for single iteration what can i do. Does anyone know how
> to solve this type of problems kindly help me.
> Thank you

With warm Regards,

Research Scholar,
Indian Institute of Technology-Indore.

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