Dear Ray et al
Thank you for your earlier answer.
Returning to my original question, Implementing line loading constraints in
for own method,  I have tried to obtain the line loading equations and
compare them with MATPOWER results. To obtain the line loading, I first run
a power flow calculation, using MATPOWER to get the voltage  magnitude and
angle at each buses.
Here I post my script.  If you have some time, please help me to find the
reason of this difference:
% calculating line loading via Matpower:
mpc = loadcase('case4gs');
flow_from = sqrt(RES.branch(:, PF).^2 + RES.branch(:, QF).^2);
flow_to = sqrt(RES.branch(:, PT).^2 + RES.branch(:, QT).^2);
flow = (flow_from + flow_to)/2;
MATPOWER_loading = flow ./ RES.branch(:, RATE_A);
% Here is my script .
% obtained from Matpower case4gs.m
from=[    1    1    2    3]';
to=     [    2    3    4    4]';
r=[    0.01008    0.00744    0.00744    0.01272]';
x=[    0.0504    0.0372    0.0372    0.0636]';
B=[    0.1025    0.0775    0.0775    0.1275]';
Rating=[    250    250    250    250]';
% Load flow results
v_m=[    1    0.982    0.969    1.02]';
v_deg=[    0    -0.976    -1.872    1.523]';
v_a = v_deg.*(pi/180); % convert degree to rad


Output :
    from    to    MATPOWER_loading    My_loading
    ____    __    ________________    __________

    1       2     0.18842             0.070916
    1       3     0.46338             0.096366
    2       4     0.60769             0.099696
    3       4     0.47707             0.055883


On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 6:05 PM, Ray Zimmerman <> wrote:

> Yes, it is possible, as long as your costs can be put in the form of
> (6.27)-(6-31) in the User’s Manual
> <>. And
> you can simply set the appropriate parameters in the gencost matrix to
> zero, rather than forming user-defined cost terms to cancel out their
> contribution to the objective function.
> It looks like your costs are simple linear functions of up and down
> generation shift variables. The standard optimization variables contain
> generation, but not separate up and down shifts in generation from a
> reference. You can define those by introducing a set of user-defined linear
> constraints, in the form of (6.25) …
> Pg – Pup + Pdn = Pref
> … where Pref is a constant reference dispatch, Pg is part of the existing
> optimization variable *x*, and Pup and Pdn are new vectors of variables
> (blocks in *z*) defined by additional columns in the *A* matrix. You also
> need to set z_min to zero to enforce ...
> Pup >= 0
> Pdn >= 0
> Then, I believe, your costs are purely linear functions of these new
> user-defined optimization variables, so you can use the simplest form of
> the user-defined cost, where parameters d_i and m_i are all 1, k_i and
> r_hat are all zero (so *w* = *r*), the *H* matrix is zero and the *C*
> vector is all ones. In that case, (6.27) and following simply reduces to …
> f_u(x, z) = C' * N * [x; z]
> All you need to do then is create N in two blocks, stacked vertically, one
> for your f1 and one for your f2.
> --
> Ray Zimmerman
> Senior Research Associate
> B30 Warren Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853  USA
> phone: (607) 255-9645
> On Apr 16, 2015, at 1:04 PM, Electric <>
> wrote:
> Dear Prof Ray
> I studied extended OPF function to adopt my problem to be run with
> MATPOWER package as you recommended already, so I could avoid implementing
> standard OPF constraints like line loadings and voltage range.  As I am
> running a multi-objective congestion management problem (equivalently,
> maybe called multi-objective OPF), is it possible to include other
> objective functions separately in the OPF cost function?
> for example :
> f1= I have my own cost function, so I can minus the existed cost function
> to cancel it and add my own cost functions that are still directly depended
> on the optimization vector. f1=sum(X[i].Bup[i]+Y[i].Bdown[i]), where X and
> Y are up and down generation shift of unit i and Bup[i] and Bdown[i] are
> their corresponding bid.
> f2= security function.
> f2 is also directly depended on the optimization vector.
> f2=sum(X[i].S[i]), where x[i] is up generation shift of unit i and S[i] is
> its corresponding sensitivity to the stability margin.
> Your help is much appreciated.
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 9:11 PM, Electric <
> > wrote:
>> Dear Prof Ray and Shiri
>> Thank you so much for your help. I am going to study  opf_consfcn()
>> <>
>> and find out how to implement the constraints I want.
>> Kind regards.
>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Ray Zimmerman <> wrote:
>>> Specifically, you might look at how the power flow and line limit
>>> constraints are implemented in opf_consfcn()
>>> <>.
>>> However, for a problem that includes the standard OPF constraints I still
>>> think it would be simpler and cleaner to set up your problem to use the
>>> extended OPF formulation in MATPOWER, unless of course you have some
>>> requirement the precludes that option.
>>>     Ray
>>> On Apr 9, 2015, at 10:40 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. <>
>>> wrote:
>>> On Apr 9, 2015, at 4:00 PM, "Electric" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>    Dear Shri
>>>  Thanks for your answer. But I don't want to use runopf(). I want to
>>> write these constraint manually with Ybus and equations I've written. Is
>>> that possible? How should I start?
>>>  Thank you.
>>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 1:24 AM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  I don't know what your algorithm does but I think you can do the
>>>> same, determine optimal generation and load, using MATPOWER's optimal power
>>>> flow (runopf). runopf supports all the constraints that you've listed.
>>>> Shri
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>  *From:* [
>>>>] on behalf of Electric [
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 09, 2015 3:18 PM
>>>> *To:* MATPOWER discussion forum
>>>> *Subject:* How to verify the feasibility of your solution without
>>>> running Power flow?
>>>>            I am using an algorithm that changes the amount of demand
>>>> and generation at each bus (Pd,Pg) to mitigate over load of lines and
>>>> enhance the security. The output of my algorithm (Pd,Pg) must be checked to
>>>> insure that they are feasible. So, it is obvious that by assigning this new
>>>> calculated values instead of old Pg and Pd (generation and demand ) at each
>>>> bus and running a simple power flow (pf), I can find out if the calculated
>>>> results are feasible.
>>>>     However, this is an optimization problem. Therefore,  feasibility
>>>> of the suggested values of Pd and Pg by fmincon must be verified at each
>>>> iteration(1000 times). Basically, it can be accomplished by running a power
>>>> flow in constraint function of fmincon and checking lines loading and
>>>> voltage range.
>>>>      But, doing so is very time consuming and takes more than an hours
>>>> to calculate the feasible Pg and Pd. So I was wonder if there is another
>>>> faster way to check the feasibility of the calculated Pd,Pg without running
>>>> power flow.
>>>>  I think, if the solution (calculated Pd,Pg) satisfies these
>>>> constraints,the answer is then feasible and there is no need to run power
>>>> flow.
>>>> But I have some problems in considering the constraints 5,8,9,10.
>>>> 1) Pgmin(j) <Pg(j) <Pgmax(j)     % j indicates buses with generator
>>>> 2) Qgmin(j) <Qg(j) <Qgmax(j)    % j indicates buses with generator
>>>> 3) Pdmin(k) <Pd(k) <Pdmax(k)  % k indicates buses with demand
>>>> 4) Qd(k)=Pd(k)*tan(phi(k))         % ph(k) is load P.F at bus K
>>>> Nodal active balance:
>>>> 5) Pg(n) -Pd(n)=|V(i)| sum( |Y(h,n)| .V(h)*Cos(del(n)-del(h)-teta(n,h)))
>>>>  where Pg(n) is nodal generation which is calculated as:
>>>>  6) Pg(n)=sum (Pg(j)) at bus n
>>>> 7) Pd(n)=sum (Pd(k)) at bus n
>>>>  teta(n,h) is the angle of Y(n,h), del(n) and del(h) are bust angle of
>>>> n and h.
>>>>  Nodal reactive balance:
>>>> 8) Qg(n) -Qd(n)=|V(i)| sum( |Y(h,n)| .V(h)*Sin(del(n)-del(h)-teta(n,h)))
>>>>  9) Vmin(n)<V(n)<Vmax(n)  % voltage range at all buses.
>>>> 10) S(i,j)<Smax(i,j).  transmitted apparent power  from i,j must be
>>>> less than capacity of line.
>>>>  Thanks in advance

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