Thank you for the clarifying answer. I have one more question I hope you
can give me some thoughts on.

I'm working with different test cases where some of them have very high
thermal limits, like case118 and the GBnetwork (Great Britain,
I would like to assign more realistic thermal limits to these, but I have
understood that retrieving correct data is very difficult.
Is it possible to say anything about what the "normal" thermal limit values
can be? Or what is realistic considering the share of branches where
congestion occurs in a network?

Thanks for any help on the subject.


Mari Prydz

On 5 May 2015 at 15:48, Ray Zimmerman <> wrote:

> Hi Mari,
> It is only RATE_A that is used by the OPF.
> Since the flow at either end of the branch (for AC OPF) are in general not
> equal, there are actually two sets of branch flow constraints, those
> constraining flow at the “from bus” end and those constraining flow at the
> “to bus” end. Usually, if a flow constraint is binding, it is binding only
> at one end, but this is not always the case. In any case, adding the two
> multipliers together should give you the sensitivity of the objective
> function to changes in RATE_A.
>     Ray
> On May 5, 2015, at 6:49 AM, Mari Hardersen Prydz <>
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm running the ACOPF on different test cases, and would like to find the
> effect on the objective function value when changing the thermal limits
> (rate A, B and C).
> Firstly, is it only rate A that limits the power flow, or will rate B and
> C also affect this?
> So far I have looked at the multipliers MU_SF and MU_ST
> (bresults.branch(i,18) and bresults.branch(i,19)), but I'm not sure how to
> put these two values together to represent the branch (as the thermal
> limits are set for the branches and not each node).
> Is there another dual variable for the branch flow constraints that
> represents the branch and not the to and from node?
> Thanks for any help on the subject.
> Sincerely,
> Mari Prydz
> Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Mari Hardersen Prydz,
M.Sc. student, industrial economics and technology management,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Tel: + 47 98077194

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