Dear Prof. Ray Zimmerman,

Thank you very much for your help. I have implemented your suggestion of
relaxing constraints over conventional power plants and got successful
convergence on both model.  While doing so  in 2# model I kept minimum
value of generation Pmin=0, and instead of using single slack generator
output to supply system losses I increased all conventional generators
output by 2% means Pmax=(Original Pmax)*1.02. So that losses will be
contributed by all generators. But I want to clarify some doubts.

1) My *Objective Function Value = -243875269.94 $/hr* is highly negative
after convergence, that I don’t understand why it’s highly negative. After
*mpc=load2disp(mycase)* I checked mpc.gencost matrix. In my case
conventional generators variable cost function is linear e.g.  [2  0  0  3
 0  10.91  0] and renewable generators and cross border generators cost is
zero e.g. [2  0  0  3  0  0  0] and for dispatchable loads I set linear
cost function [2  0  0  3  0  5000  0]. Am I using correct values in
mpc.gencost matrix? Or I have to use  for conventional power plants =  [2
 0  0  3  0  0  0] and for both renewables and dispatchable loads= [2  0  0
 3  0  5000  0] ? Both approach gives negative objective function value.

2) When I perform successfully *res=runopf(mpc) *all curtailments on
renewable / loads / redispatch of conventional power plants  will be seen
in *res.gen(:,2)* column (second column of res.gen matrix) right? Thank you
very much for your time.


Mirish Thakur

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Ray Zimmerman <> wrote:

> Hi Mirish,
> There is no way to see the load or renewable curtailment until you get a
> converging OPF. It is possible that you will also have to redispatch the
> conventional generators in order to get a feasible solution. I would
> suggest that you combine your option #2 with curtailable loads, relax the
> active power dispatch constraints on the conventional generators (to their
> normal limits) and assign piecewise linear costs to those generators with
> negative or zero marginal cost up to Pg and large positive marginal cost
> above Pg. This will attempt to minimize deviations from the original
> dispatch pattern, hopefully moving only those generators necessary to
> relieve the line overloads.
>     Ray
> On Nov 29, 2015, at 7:31 PM, Mirish Thakur <> wrote:
> Hello friends,
> I’m working on (1000 bus system) reactive power dispatch problem. I have
> modeled grid into matpower case file and I’m getting the results of
> *runpf*. But when I use *ACOPF* it fails to converge.
> I have modeled grid into two methods
> 1) I used all renewable energy sources generation, pump storage power
> plant and cross border energy transfer as negative load. And all
> conventional power plants as generators.  Dispatch of conventional
> generators is equal to residual load so demand is equal to generation.
> Further I have increased limits of slack generator to supply system losses
> and kept rest of generators dispatch constant by *Pmax=Pmin=Pg*. Also
> *RATE_A* limits should be unchanged. (Necessary condition for project).
> 2) In other way all renewable energy sources generation, pump storage
> power plant and cross border energy transfer are modeled as generators and
> put next to all conventional power plants. And in *gencost *matrix I used
> zero variable cost for renewable generation. Slack generator and rest of
> the conditions are set as it is in first approach.
> My question is in both modeling I got *runpf* successfully converged but
> I’m not getting convergence for *ACOPF*. So, I checked branch limits on
> some branches which I found overloaded by analyzing results of *res=
> runpf (mymodel)*.  To avoid such overloading I want to change
> distribution pattern of load which might be cause of overloading of
> branches. I tried *load2disp* function to get curtailment on load but
> every time I got failure in convergence in *runopf*. I went through below
> mentioned discussions-
> Is there any way to see curtailment on load or negative generation (renewable 
> generation/ cross border transfer of energy) so that I can redistribute that 
> load /negative generation on other bus bars so that I can avoid overloading 
> of branches and get successful convergence?  Many thanks.
>  Regards
> Mirish Thakur
> KIT University

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