Dear Abhyankar,

The power flow is runing (runpf) and converge  but the optimal power flow
(runopf) is not converging.

I used professor Ray suggestion by eliminating the branch flow limits but
still the optimal power flow (runopf) it is not converging.

Is there any suggestion may help to find out the cause


On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. <>

> You are running a power flow (runpf), not an optimal power flow (runopf).
> The branch limits (and the voltage constraints) are ignored for power flow
> calculations. If the power flow does not converge then most likely the
> optimal power flow may not converge either. Please take a look at
> for some useful
> hints on getting the power flow to converge.
> Shri
> From: <Alanazi>, Falah <>
> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum <>
> Date: Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 1:22 PM
> To: MATPOWER discussion forum <>
> Subject: Re: How to Show Voltage Constraints and Branch Flow Constraints
> Dear professor Ray,
> I eliminated the branch flow limits but still the solution didn't converge.
> also I checked the mpc values and the limits it seems ok. In addition, I
> tried to change some of the limits  but still did not work
> I attached my data in case that may be helpful to find the problem.
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Ray Zimmerman <> wrote:
>> There are many possible reasons for a non-convergent OPF. One of the
>> first things I always try is to eliminate the branch flow limits. E.g.
>> define_constants;
>> mpc= loadcase ('WECC179_3Area.mat');.
>> mpopt = mpoption('out.lim.all',2)
>> mpc.branch(:, RATE_A) = 0;
>> results = runopf(mpc, mpopt);
>> If that converges, then you likely have an infeasible problem, where some
>> branch flow limit can’t be satisfied without violating something else. In
>> that case, you can try multiplying the limits by some large factor that you
>> gradually reduce toward 1 and observe which constraints (including voltage,
>> reactive generation) bind hardest. They may show you which are your
>> conflicting constraints.
>> Hope these ideas help point you in the right direction ...
>>     Ray
>> On Jan 5, 2016, at 12:42 PM, Alanazi, Falah <>
>> wrote:
>> Dear Ray,
>> I was running AC PF and it was working but when I tried to run AC OPF the
>> solution did not converge.
>> This is my code.
>> define_constants;
>> mpc= loadcase ('WECC179_3Area.mat');.
>> mpopt = mpoption('out.lim.all',2)
>> results = runopf(mpc, mpopt);
>> best regards
>> Falah
>> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 5:40 AM, Ray Zimmerman <> wrote:
>>> The options you are using should work when running an AC OPF. Is that
>>> what you are running?
>>> Two other notes, regarding your options …
>>> 1. The ENFORCE_Q_LIMS option is only for power flow, not OPF, and that
>>> the VERBOSE option only affects display of solution progress, not final
>>> results.
>>> 2. You are mixing old-style option names (all caps) in your first line,
>>> with new-style options in the second. This still works, but the old-style
>>> options are deprecated. The new versions of ENFORCE_Q_LIMS and VERBOSE
>>> are pf.enforce_q_lims and verbose, respectively.
>>> — Ray
>>> On Jan 4, 2016, at 5:09 PM, Alanazi, Falah <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Sir,
>>> I would like to know how I can show the voltage constraints  and  the
>>> branch flow constraints when I run OPF.
>>> When I used the matpower cases both constraints  showes up but when I
>>> used the WECC data they do not show up. I tried to use
>>> mpopt = mpoption('ENFORCE_Q_LIMS',0,'VERBOSE',3);
>>> mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'out.lim.all',2)
>>> best regards
>>> Falah

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