Dear Enrico,

I’m happy to help.

The resistance and reactance values don’t necessarily look too high or low. 
Nothing stood out as obviously wrong to me at least. I reduced the values just 
to see if the convergence of the ACOPF was a topology issue. I find that 
simplifying a system until it works is useful when dealing with problems like 
this. Another thing you could try is to solve parts of the system (e.g. 
simplify your network to only 380kV nodes, or a small area) and gradually add 
complexity back into your model until it fails.

In response to your last question, you’re almost correct. In an OPF the values 
you put in to mpc.gen(:,PG) will change, as PG is an optimisation variable, but 
the initial guess will affect the convergence of the algorithm. In some cases 
(possibly yours!) a bad initial guess for PG and QG can prevent the ACOPF from 
converging to a solution.

Kind regards,


[] On Behalf Of Enrico 
Sent: 21. febrúar 2017 00:48
To: MATPOWER discussion forum <>
Subject: Re: Sequential OPF: Non-convergence of both OPF and PF

Dear Samuel,
I really appreciate your help, thank you.

After reading your reply I have made some further tests, and I believe that the 
very issue is the branch matrix too.
The ACOPF actually converges with your corrections on the branch matrix, and I 
have noticed that it still works even keeping the original values for the 
lines' resistances. Keeping the original values of mpc.branch(:,BR_R) results 
in active power losses accounting for around 3% of the total generated active 
power, which seems reasonable to me, suggesting that the p.u. values of the 
resistances are acceptable.

So the problem should lie in the values of X and of the MVA ratings.
Did u reduce the values of X because they looked too high to you or just to get 
the ACOPF to converge?
As for the MVA ratings given in mpc.branch(:,RATE_A), setting them all equal to 
zero, as you suggested, and running the ACOPF clearly shows that in the optimal 
solution some branches have power flows much higher than their limit in the 
original case. Some of these branches are the same that you indicated 
What I think is weird is that all these branches link PQ buses, with no power 
generation. So, it's difficult to understand what is the logic behind it.
Anyway, I have checked all the branches and their From and To indexes are all 

I hope I will find a way to fix this.
Until then, thank you again.

One last thing I wanted to ask about your reply (first paragraph of your mail): 
I have understood that the values that you use to initialize mpc.bus(:,PG) do 
affect the solution of the PF problem, while they are not considered by the OPF 
solver. Is that right?

Best regards,

2017-02-20 12:31 GMT+01:00 Samuel Perkin 
Hi Enrico,

I had a quick look at your case. Firstly, the results you get when running an 
DC PF on your case are normal. The active power is fixed at all Load and 
Generator buses, and therefore only the slack bus can add/remove active power 
to the system in order to find a solution. Given that all your generators begin 
with 0 MW of active power production, you find that all power must be produced 
at your slack bus.

I tried running an ACOPF on your model, using:
mpopt = mpoption('verbose', 3, 'out.force', 1,'',10);

This doesn’t converge, but the output suggests a few issues with your model. If 
you look at the branch constraints, you’ll find that some of your branches with 
the greatest capacity are only being utilized <5%. Whilst a few low capacity 
branches (150, 290, 369, 370) have absurdly large flows. This implies to me 
that you either have some branches connected to the wrong buses, or have some 
errors in the electrical parameters of your lines.

Note that it is possible to get an ACOPF to converge on your case if you apply 
the following modifications/simplifications, which supports my argument that 
there is probably a few errors in your branch data:
mpc.branch(:,RATE_A) = 0;
mpc.branch(:,BR_R) = 0.1*mpc.branch(:,BR_R);
mpc.branch(:,BR_X) = 0.001*mpc.branch(:,BR_X);

I hope this helps you debug your case, and good luck with your thesis.

Kind regards,

Samuel Perkin

 On Behalf Of Enrico Vaccariello
Sent: 20. febrúar 2017 02:25
Subject: Sequential OPF: Non-convergence of both OPF and PF

Dear All MATPOWER developers and users,
I really hope some of you can give me some advice.
I am working on sequential OPF simulations (not using MOST, but simply running 
MATPOWER's runopf in a loop and manually updating some values the MATPOWER case 
at each time-step t) to be performed on a case(s) that I have been working a 
lot to prepare.
Anyway, unfortunately, now that the time of running the simulation has finally 
come, I have some serious convergence issues.

With the 285-bus case structs that I have built, the OPF simulation running 
with the default MIPS does not converge.
The case structs differ one from another for some parameters as a function of t 
(time-step of the loop). Anyway, whatever the t I set, the OPF won't converge 
in any case, so there must be some structural issue of my cases I guess.
I'll attach the case of t=1 to this mail for who wishes to have a look.

Making some tests, I have found out that the PF simulation does not converge 
either. Among the (non-converged) results of the PF it seems that the slack bus 
is the only trying to generate active power (a lot of), whereas all the others 
do not dispatch, i.e. results.gen(:,PG) is zero for all the generators of the 
PV buses.
What is more, the same generators dispatch very high quantities of reactive 
power, much beyond their lower and upper limits.

If someone could help I would be very grateful... Last days for my thesis, very 
hard times!

Thank you and best regards.

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