Dear all and Mr Ray

I am developing optimization studies (evolutionary algorithms) in 
reconfiguration and restoration in distribution systems in the first part of my 
thesis. For this, I'm basically using MATPOWER's runpf function for cases 33, 
84 and 135 buses to analyze losses, voltage drops, and so on. In the second 
part, I intend to involve studies and protection analysis between protection 
devices (relays, fuses and reclosers) for such cases. For this, I need to 
conduct short-circuit studies and MATPOWER does not offer me such a tool. I 
wonder if some of you have had to deal with this situation. That is, is there 
any MATPOWER routine available for short-circuit studies? Can anyone tell me 
how I can do short-circuit studies in cases 33, 84 and 135? Or do I have to 
associate MATPOWER with some software to do such a study?


Andrey R Vieira

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