Did you check the help for the function (e.g. load2disp 
<http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/docs/ref/matpower6.0/load2disp.html> in 
the online function reference)?

idx is simply a vector of bus indexes, in your case it should be simply be 
equal to 2 (a 1 x 1 vector).


> On Jul 17, 2017, at 2:29 AM, Akash Tyagi <akashtyagi0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am using load2disp command and I understand everything in that command 
> except the input index.
> Suppose I want to convert the fixed load to dispatchable load at bus 2 only.
> I tried by using the following command-
> clc
> clear
> close all;
> define_constants;
> mpc0=loadcase(case5a);
> idx1=mpc0.bus([2,3],PD);
> mpc1=load2disp(mpc0,'Akash',idx1);
> It is not working?
> Thanks in advance

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