Dear Dr. Zimmerman

I have a problem with the runopf function.

I have a network with only one generator,
this models the primary substation.

%tap change
tap = 1.1;
mpc.bus(1,8) = tap; % VM voltage magnitude
mpc.gen(1,6) = tap; % VG voltage generator setpoint
mpc.bus(1,12) = tap; % VMAX 
mpc.bus(1,13) = tap; % VMIN
then I try to run both the runpf and runopf function:

runpf Converges and gives me a result.
>From these results I can observe that with the assignments made I have no 
>violation of the voltage limits (VMIN & VMAX) or of power passing in the 
>branches (RATEA) imposed in the OPF problem, so I would expect the runopf 
>function to converge.

Instead the OPF run function does not converge.

What could it be due to?


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