I think you’ve answered your own question. Apparently, plot_mpc() uses the 
mdscale() function from MATLAB’s Statistics Toolbox, and Octave’s statistics 
toolbox has not (yet) implemented that function.

So there are two options …
(1) work on implementing the mdscale() function, or
(2) adapt plot_mpc() to avoid using mdscale().

I’m not familiar enough with either to know which is the simpler approach. As 
you may know, plot_mpc() was developed by Paul Cuffe <paul.cu...@ucd.ie 
<mailto:paul.cu...@ucd.ie>> . You might try contacting him directly to see if 
he has suggestions about the simplest way to make plot_mpc() usable under 

Also, could I ask you to please create a “plot_mpc() is not Octave-compatible” 
issue on the MATPOWER Extras issue tracker 
<https://github.com/MATPOWER/matpower-extras/issues> and post any updates there?



> On Oct 29, 2019, at 3:16 AM, Alberto Geri <alberto.g...@uniroma1.it> wrote:
> Why doesn't 'plot_mpc' work in 'octave'?
> I installed the pkg 'statistics' but the 'mdscale' function has not been 
> implemented yet.
> How can I solve the problem by continuing to work in the 'octave' open source 
> development environment?
> Thank you
> ag 
> -- 
> <FirmaUffEng367x200.png>

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