Dear Prof. R D. Zemmerman,
I need a Matlab code even through Matpower of the problem of SCUC a detailed 
exemple or an application on IEEE30 bus system
I thank you very much
Dr. Sebaa


    Le mercredi 15 janvier 2020 à 00:34:06 UTC+1, Ray Daniel Zimmerman 
<> a écrit :  
 Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple way to do it with only linear constraints.
You could define new variables for the flows and use the opf_branch_flow_fcn() 
and opf_branch_flow_hess() functions to implement an equality constraint that 
defines these variables. These constraints would be very similar to the 
existing inequality constraints used for branch flow limits. You could then 
define linear constraints on these new variables. That might be simplest 
conceptually, but you could also do it without explicitly adding the new flow 
variables. That might perform better if speed is crucial.
Hope this helps,

On Jan 8, 2020, at 5:21 PM, Liang, Chen <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I’m trying to solve an AC OPF with extra linear constraints on the line flows. 
To be more specific, it is an equality constraint with some linear combination 
of the line flows, say $\sum_{e\in E} f_e = constant$.

I read the user manual and found that branch flows are not variables used in 
MATPOWER, and thus I need to add non-linear constraints (given that the 
variables are node related quantities). However, the implementation of 
non-linear constraints are not easy. Will there be an easier/systematical way 
to implement linear constraint on line flows?

Thanks in advance. Any help is appreciated.



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