
I am Beyza, from Turkey. I hope everyone is well.

I have a few question about radial power flow on Matpower.

1. I would like to run 16bus radial distribution system. There are some branches which tie buses and cause loop. But these "branches status" are '0'. So, they can be thought as opened switches (sectionalizing switches). Thus, system is actually radial with these conditions. However, when I write radial_pf, it is stated that "There are loops". I don't understand why it says that. On the other hand, when I write the code below,

mpopt = mpoption('pf.alg','ISUM')

radial power flow can be done. (I understand it is radial power flow instead of newton raphson because when I change the branches and turn into not radial situation, it shows warning that 'it is only for radial')

2. My other question is, is there any code for radiality check? (Instead of error, I want to get some results like 0-1)

Thanks a lot. Have a nice day.

Beyza Nur Dilber

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