Hi Ray, it works perfectly.

Thank you very much!

Em seg., 13 de jun. de 2022 às 19:31, Ray Daniel Zimmerman <r...@cornell.edu>

> When running a power flow the voltage at swing and PV buses is controlled
> by the VG column of the corresponding generator in the gen matrix, not by
> the VM column in bus. Setting the corresponding mpc.gen(slack_gen_index,
> VG) to the desired value in your loop should accomplish what you are
> looking for.
>    Ray
> On Jun 13, 2022, at 2:18 PM, João Marcelo Amaral <jmtama...@coppe.ufrj.br>
> wrote:
> Hi, my name is João Amaral. I am a researcher from the Alternative Energy
> Laboratory (LAFAE) in COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil.
> We are working in the modelling of a Wind Farm using Matpower in Matlab
> and we are trying to compare field measures with the results from the
> program. For this we are using a "For Loop" and setting different levels of
> Active and Reactive Power in the PQ buses.
> To increase our precision we are trying to change the Swing Bus Voltage
> level inside the "For Loop" but we have not seen any changes. We are trying
> to set the parameters like the Power References but we do not know if we
> are setting something wrong. Below there is an image of part of the code.
> <image.png>
> My question is: Is it possible to change this voltage level inside the
> loop?
> The only way that we see any change is when we change the Base Voltage in
> the modelling file, but not in the Iterative Loop.
> Best regards,
> --
> *João Amaral*

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