The time resolution is completely up to you when you are running your own 
sequence of snapshots using runopf() as in your example. That is, a MATPOWER 
OPF is for a specific instant in time, so it knows nothing of any time 
resolution. You are free to define whatever tilme step you like for re-solving 
a new steady-state solution. Obviously, once you get to very short time scales 
you really need to start taking into account system dynamics, so a steady-state 
solution, like an OPF, is not what you want.

Best regards,


On Mar 15, 2024, at 3:13 PM, Lichen Wu <> wrote:

Thank you, Ray!
It really helps.

for i = 1:length(profiles)
 mpc.bus(2, PD) = 150 * profiles(i);
 results = runopf(mpc);
 vm_results(i) = results.bus(2, VM);

Could you please clarify the defined time resolution, such as timestep, 
microsecond, second, or hour?
If so, is it feasible to redefine this time resolution?

 on behalf of Ray Daniel Zimmerman <<>>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: Inquiry about Bus Voltage Variation in MOST Examples

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Hello Lichen,

I’m afraid MOST uses a DC network model. That is, bus voltage magnitudes are 
not modeled at all and instead are assumed to be approximated by 1 p.u. See 
Section 3.7 in the MATPOWER User’s 
Manual<> for more details on 
the DC modeling assumptions.

Depending on your application, you may not need to solve a multiperiod 
optimization, but rather a sequence of single-period optimizations or 
simulations. For example, it’s possible that calling runopf() in a loop would 
give you what you want.

Hope this helps,


On Mar 7, 2024, at 4:07 PM, Lichen Wu <<>> 

Dear All,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on replicating a 
specific scenario from research 
paper,, voltage smoothing control.

I attempted to reproduce the bus voltage variation every second (shown in 
fig1.fig19.png) using MOST's 7.2.1 Example 5 – Deterministic Multiperiod OPF 
with Delta_T = 1 (load and wind profiles from fig2.Figure 7-2.png). However, it 
seems that the bus voltage remains constant at 1 p.u (shown in fig3.png).

I have a couple of questions:

1. Could you guide me on where to view the bus voltage results for MOST 7.2.1 
Example when solved with `mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);` (Delta_T=1 hour, number of 
periods = 12)?

2. Are there any available examples closer to the scenario of "Bus voltage 
variation every second"?

I appreciate your time and assistance in this matter.

Best regards,
Lichen Wu
Graduate Research Assistant at University of Wyoming, USA


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