On Thu, 8 Nov 2007 08:19:42 -0800
Garrick Staples wrote:

> Sorry, I ment to respond to the first one.
No worry, and many thanks for your reply. 
> > we're getting sporadic errors when jobs finishes running in a WN and
> > has to copy its output to submitter host. 
> > 
> > We've configured ssh in our submitter/executer in order to avoid
> > requesting password, so for example:
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# su - ops006
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ssh ce07 date
> > Scientific Linux CERN Release 3.0.8 (SL)
> > Tue Nov  6 12:09:05 CET 2007
> Non-interactive shells shouldn't print anything other than the
> command output. It tends to confused programs that do their own
> remote shells (like scp).
> For example, I can't do this on your cluster:
>   date=`ssh ce07 date`
I tried and:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ date=`ssh ce07 date`
Scientific Linux CERN Release 3.0.8 (SL)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ echo $date
Thu Nov 8 17:29:51 CET 2007

anyway, I don't mind removing issue.net/mod files. Done.

> > But looking job's log in WN we find:
> > Oct 24 02:20:48 td237 pbs_mom: req_cpyfile, Unable to copy file
> > [EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED]:/home/ops006/.lcgjm/globus-cache-export.Q18475/globus-cache-e
> > xport.Q18475.gpg to globus-cache-export.Q18475.gpg
> The actual copy file error message should be in syslog.
This grep is done in /var/log/messages. Are you refering to this?

# grep "Unable to copy file" /var/log/messages|wc -l

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