On Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 04:57:27PM +0000, Anna Jonna Armannsdottir wrote:
> checkjob 41349 gives: 
> job is deferred.  Reason:  RMFailure  (job cannot be started - cannot
> set hostlist)
> Checking the Torque logs, reveals that the maui scheduler 
> requests are coming from localhost.localdomain, which is not
> authorized in my configuration. 
> I would rather not change Torque configuration to allow this, 
> so how can I get maui to bind to the hostname jotunn.rhi.hi.is, 
> which is the real hostname?

At least torque/PBS is _VERY_ picky about name lookups.  Make sure that
your /etc/hosts and/or DNS is set up correctly.  I find it easier to use
/etc/hosts with the format: shortname shortname.domainname

and use shortname everywhere.

Also, putting jotunn.rhi.hi.is in $TORQUE_HOME/server_name might help if
its not already there.


| Michael Barnes
| Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
| 12000 Jefferson Ave.
| Newport News, VA 23606
| (757) 269-7634
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